Inhibitors of Protein-Protein Interaction Database




Tutorial for Query mode

A short video that shows how to use the new web application to rapidly build tailored and complex queries to iPPI-DB and share data with colleagues.

Tutorial for Visualize pockets

Visualize pockets on the Protein Interaction Explorer.

Tutorial for Contribution mode

A short video that shows how you can efficiently add new data to iPPI-DB using the contribute mode and your ORCID ID

Tutorial for Analyze druggability / interactibility

Analyze druggability / interactibility of proteins on the Protein Interaction Explorer.

Tutorial for Visualize hotspots and ligands

Visualize hotspots and ligands on the Protein Interaction Explorer.

Tutorial for study closely related pockets

Study closely related pockets on the Protein Interaction Explorer.

How to use the TMAP

How to use the TMAP on the Protein Interaction Explorer.